Enjoy the Ease of Using Cryptocurrency with AKAIITO

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What is AKAIITO?

AKAIITO is an integrated platform complex in a single source, allowing you to live in the real world using a new currency, cryptocurrency. This is a unique opportunity to buy products, rent cars and apartments, use various services and specialist assistance, from the use of wisdom, through the use of cryptographic money. Strong platform based on the blockchain system, which works with technology.
What's the moment, when the team realizes, the project starts spreading? When does it arrive, when does the project developer understand, is it public and does it spread? At a time when the realization is underway: "we must systematize everything!". "Everything": all offers and questions, ideas and suggestions.
AKAIITO A powerful platform, operating on the basis of the Blockchain system, using Cerdas kontrak technology and combining several spheres of life.
1- The market of goods trade between users
2- Rent rent of apartments, cars between users
3 -Services providing services / works between users
4- Map overview of places for catering, entertainment, services, etc. where payment is possible

Problem of Market

The market is experiencing cosmic growth since early 2017. For January 1, 2017 the total value of all crypto that has not exceeded 18 billion US dollars. Cryptocurrency boom means large capital increase. Apart from that fact, nothing prepares the community for the future. In particular, no one expects this uncertain growth. Just think: 1600% in just 12 months. The year 2017 has been an escape for bitcoins, forks and altcoins.
Such a rough growth of cryptocurrency market is demanding an opportunity for using it in real world. Exactly for that purpose AKAIITO is created. From 1000 owners of cryptocurrencies not more than 50 are really using it. There is nowhere to actually use it. Problem of the market is obvious


AKAIITO is complex of platforms united in one resource, which is allowing to live in real world by using new currency – cryptocurrency. This is unique opportunity to buy goods, to rent cars and apartments, to use different services and help of specialists from nanny to lawyers, by using crypto money.


Stimulate reward program, if 1% of total purchase amount will be returned to buyer after deal closed. Each buyer, who has confirmed the deal and reviewed the seller will get back 1% of the total purchase amount. For example: John buys a product for 15 AICs. After the deal ends, John will return to his wallet 1% of the total purchase amount = 0.15 AIC.
The AKAIITO platform will incorporate all that is needed for the effective and convenient use of cryptocurrencies. Undoubtedly, All we want is to have all possible "must have" sections available with just one click. Large communities use one great platform - this is our goal and vision and Opportunity to review. Each user can affect another user's reputation by leaving a review or score, but only after the deal closes. Smart Contract will follow the interests of both parts of the deal. - When purchasing a payment token will be ordered. - When a product is shipped by a buyer, by scanning QR code, confirming that it is getting delivery and the deal can be successfully closed. After that the token is moved to the seller. This function guarantees the purity of the agreement. High Commission Commission only 3%. Of the 3%, will be returned for 1% buyers in AIC's with cash back system. So, basically the commission is only 2%.

Sales of AIC tokens

To realize the success of AKAIITO the AIC token project will be launched. AKAIITO launched 30 million AIC tokens. Sold 22.5 million AIC token behind. The total number of tokens sales will be divided into 2 steps: Pre ICO and ICO. During Pre ICO sales will be launched 1 million AIC tokens and during sales of 21.5 million ICO AIC tokens (number of AIC tokens will depend on ETH level) will be launched. any deal and closed The score should not be less than 7 points out of 10, only their score level for the overall positive value of the seller is taken into account.Any 5 positive things not less than 7 points provide an opportunity to attend to sell more expensive products, first 5 points = 5 AIC for maximum price allowed for goods sold.


Share AIC
Total Token 30 000 000 100%
Sales token Up 22 500 000 75%
Marketing Up to 2 100 000 7%
The gift,
Up to 900,000 3%
Team Up to 4 500 000 15%
Tokens amounted to 1 000 000
Price 1 ETH = 1000 AIC
Purchase of at least 10 AIC = 0.01 ETH
Bonus 60% 1AIC = 1.6AIC
Period of 14 days
Starting 12.02.2018
End of 25.02.2018


Distribution of
token sold over
Pre ICO:
During Pre ICO will release 1 million AIC tokens. Token will
sold with a 60% bonus: for every 1 AIC will be added 0.6 AIC, what will
to 1.6 AIC.
Prior to launch on the stock exchange tokens can not be sold.
Pre ICO duration is 2 weeks. If 1 million AIC tokens (1 000 ETH) will be
Pre-sale Pre ICO will be stopped early too.
During ICO will be released 21.5 million of AIC tokens. Bonuses from 40% to 5% will depend on level
of sale. Special 40% bonus will be available only during first 48 hours. During later levels of sale
bonuses amount will decrease.
Total value of released for sale tokens is 20 000 ETH. If the minimum value (soft cap) of 1 000 ETH will not
be reached will be initiated search of alternative in-vestment sources for project development.
First 48 hours: 40% 1 AIC = 1.4 AIC
Level 1 First week 30% 1 AIC = 1.3 AIC
Level 2 Second week 20% 1 AIC = 1,2 AIC
Level 3 Third week 10% 1 AIC = 1,1 AIC
Level 4 Fourth week 5% 1 AIC = 1.05 AIŠ”
Sale Fifth week- … 0% 1 AIC = 1 AIC
Tokens amount 30 000 000
Price 1 ETH = 1000 AIC
Minimum purchase 10 AIC = 0.01 ETH
Minimum (SOFT CAP) 1000 ETH
Maximum (HARD CAP) 20 000 ETH
Start 10.03.2018
End 15.04.2018

Distribution of funds
Project development
Legal services
Operating costs
Related wages
Project development
Legal services
Operating costs
Related wages


for more info visit:

Web : https://akaiito.io
Whitepaper : https://akaiito.io/files/Akaiito_WP_Eng.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/akaiito_community
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2804929.0
Bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2804960.0

Author : Arjun Durimal
ETH address : 0xf54E3727D380f8a81087E6Ef6B9d7C4887D7B771


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