Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Machine Network Based on Blockchain and for GPU Owners
Decentralized machine learning is a new technological revolution. Tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet sell GPU learning machines power with superprofits. We want to decentralize this process and send it superprofits for GPU miners to make useful calculations (do not waste it
kWs for useless calculations).
The Problem
All GPU engine machines are controlled by a centralized cloud service authorities like Google Cloud, Amazon Learning Machine, Microsoft Azure Machine learning. Price server learning machine too much and companies get superprofits and control all industries. The computing power of centralized services is much lower than is possible The GPU power of the Myriads.IO network is decentralized with "myriads" from computer with GPU. Centralized platform security relies on IT centralized government security and can be controlled by the central authority. Can be hacked oryour data can be stolen by employees or hackers.
Myriads.IO Solution
Myriads.IO is a decentralized protocol that produces distributed machines learning architecture using blockchain technology. Our system allows idle GPU computing power to analyze large data and predict the future, whereas useful miners for the accuracy of their forecasts.How does Myriads.IO Work?
End-Users (individuals and companies) require huge GPU computation power for machine learning algorithms. They pay with MRDS tokens for learning network power. Large models in machine learning can dramatically improve overall performance. With the advent of deep learning, the field is rapidly expanding. However, large neural network models face infrastructurelimitations. These limitations can be overcome in several ways. One approach is to develop more powerful graphical processing units (GPUs) that can handle the computational load. Another approach is to distribute the load to clients speaking to a server for batch training updates. Thus
it is possible to crowdsource the computational power necessary to train models and incentivize participation via a Myriads.IO token-based network.

End-User send data and machine learning algorithm to Myriads network. Myriads network generate multiple tasks for all miners over the network,
blockchain algorithm split all data into chunks. A chunk is a portion of an encrypted data to be stored on Myriads.IO network.

Myriads.IO Token Sale
Myriads.IO Project has received over USD 1,100,000 in venture capitalfunding from private Chinese VC fund and bank. According to
non-disclosure agreement, we can not name investors. Before Myriads.IO
Project launches as a full-fledged service it will undergo an token sale
What is a MRDS Token?
The MRDS Tokens are based on the Ethereum platform and conform to thewidely-used ERC20 standard. The token is a part of our ecosystem and is
used inside it. Since the token is the fuel of the Myriads.IO system, our
customers will want to use it more, they should buy it on exchanges at the
market price. End-Users have to pay for machine learning with MRDS
Tokens that is stimulate and boost demand.
Tokens Details
- MRDS Tokens are strictly limited and burnable
- Tokens that are not sold during the token crowdsale will be burned (destroyed).
- MRDS Tokens will appear on Crypia, Evercoin, Coinexchange, and Coinlink Korea after negotiations.
- 15% of Myriads.IO profits from commissions will be used to fund
buybacks and burn(destroy) tokens - The buyback of MRDS Tokens will occur every two months, thereby
increasing the price of remaining MRDS tokens. - The total number of Myriads.IO tokens will be 270,000,000
- 40% of total number of tokens will be sold for contributors.
- 45% of tokens will be used as incentives for GPUs miners
- 10% will be held by Myriads.IO team as incentives for development
- 5% - rewards for early adopters (advisors and community)
- Every 4 years, the number of MRDS obtained from machine learning,
predictions and verifications will be halved. In the first 4 years, there
will be a total of 60,750,000.
Funding Breakdown Summary
- Core Development — 40%
- Marketing and Sales — 35%
- Security and Legal — 20%
- Operating Costs — 5%
Myriads.IO Board of Directors

For more information some sources for the following references:
Author : ArjunDurimal
ETH Address :0xf54E3727D380f8a81087E6Ef6B9d7C4887D7B771
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