Introducing ZAN Coin
ZAN Coin consists of individuals with extensive experience in various areas of expertise related to SDLC and software development. We have ongoing projects that are alive and are currently generating profits. By launching our own coin, we want to take advantage of all the benefits of blockchain, apply it in our daily business and aim to involve people in our business and tie the price of currency to our success. The most obvious way to achieve this is to store tokens in the pockets of those who encourage advanced companies - and to us this means developers, who we hope will feel secure in the knowledge that their efforts will be rewarded every month, with every sale turning a profit further for them. Even better, our developers actually join, they agree that using ZAN Coin in this way is a good idea.What is ZAN Coin?
Zan Coin is a Consultant Company that employs Free Software Developers to work on certain projects that exist for them and ZAN Coin pays their Freelance Software Developer for the services provided on each project. With various "Freelancers" abroad, it makes way for ZAN Coin to make timely affordable payments to their many "Freelancers". So they work together to create solutions to the constraints or problems they face with existing models, structures, and business procedures. For the success of the company they must be able to adapt to an ever-changing environment and can create solutions to problems encountered, and consider excessive spending. So creating ZAN Coin is the most appropriate solution to the problems encountered.Solution
Protecting Investor Interests When ZAN Coin starts, we will start paying our developers in tokens for our existing projects. They can store tokens as an investment of their own work or cash it. From every sale of our products, will continue to be converted to tokens and distributed equally to our ZAN Coin holders. And for the Buyback options function is a way to keep its circulation in order to keep up its growth and by way of separate sales to a large number of our customers. The total revenue will then be separated by 50% for the company and 50% for each token holder. This will generate passive income for holders who help improve our business and development.Destination ZAN Coin:
Their ultimate goal is to grow and prosper as a legal and extremely successful Consulting Firm. They not only want growth for their business, but they want all of their current Freelance Developers and investors to prosper as well. With these important goals in place, the life-cycle of ZAN will make everyone involved successful. Investors will create more capital to boost project development. Developers will work more efficient, harder and faster to create an excellent product to boost sales. Thus, creating higher sales volumes and creating more profits for all ZAN Coin holders.
Currently, the only way to buy ZAN Coin is through their ICO. ICO begins May 15, 2018.
Payment method
When you send your ETH, you will automatically receive a Zan token from the contract.
Zen Token Contract Address:
Decimal - 18
Presale: 1 ETH = 1500 ZAN, Presale ends May 22, 2018
Round 1: 1 ETH = 1200 ZAN, end time, TBD
Round 2: 1 ETH = 900 ZAN, end time, TBD
5% Referral: Users can view their referral link on the user's profile page.
ZAN Coin Supply: 17.148.385
Investors- 70% allocation: 12,003,870 CoinsAffiliate and Bounty- 10% allocation: 1,714,838 Coins
Founders- 15% allocation: 2,572,257
Reserve- 5% allocation: 857,419

Roadmap as stated on the main website:February 2017: Start the first project. We started our first project and our first product was created. We sell the full rights to the company that bought it with the intention to sell it.
August 2017: Initiation of our second project. This time we started to work on our own products that we wanted to sell ourselves. This is when we are faced with the problem of paying freelancers.
November 2017: Registration of ZANFAU Ltd. We registered our new company with the idea of forming teams and solving problems. At this time, we also started with the first sale.
January 2018: Design of ICO Tokens and Plans. We designed tokens and introduced new payment system ideas for our developers. The idea for dividends will also be cut.
April 2018: Dear Community, We have received several reports that one of our admins has put a red flag over our project. We do not want to be associated with ponzi systems or try to use our investors. It states that we want you to know that we have removed this person from our admin list.
May 2018: First payment to DEVS. In early May, we plan to make the first payment to our developers at ZAN Coins.
July 2018: sales and dividend. We have another product in the pipeline and are expected to be released in July. Our goal is to transform sales into ZAN Coins and distribute the corresponding profits.
December 2018: buyback initiative. At the end of the year, we will start buying back tokens to have enough money for future projects. The buyback to pay to the developers will close the circle and help increase the value of ZAN Coin.


We Gave You Opportunities to take part in our business, let's join this amazing project.!
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BTT :;u=1246955
ETH Address : 0xf54E3727D380f8a81087E6Ef6B9d7C4887D7B771
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