Trading Platform

Foto Tradershub.


The world of finance has undergone a drastic metamorphosis of late because of the emergence of crypto currencies that earn predicates on an exponential record. Although many people are still skeptical about the sustainability of the crypto currency, their market capitalization continues to increase in both volume and stability. Estimates reveal that there are about 2.9 to 5.8 million active users (private and institutional) on exchange networks and cryptographic exchanges. The rapid growth of the crypto currency market from $ 18 billion USD in 2016 to more than $ 502 billion USD in January 2018 is an indicator that large sums of money continue to flow into the market and are recognized as evidence that the market will grow even bigger in the year- next year, as more crypto and blockchain technology receives. Due to the decentralized and transparent nature of the blockchain-powered crypto security, people are becoming increasingly interested in trading it as a new and promising investment. This led to the establishment of crypto currency exchange that first appeared in 2010, to make the conversion between Fiat and crypto currency easier.

Project Tradershub

Tradershub is developed by a strong cross-functional team to eliminate all friction points, maximize profits and reduce risk by consolidating best trading practices. Working closely with hundreds of people. Traders around the world, Tradershub will provide a smart trading platform that combines many exchanges with gene trading tools and provides traders and investors from all levels of experience with a credible and collaborative trading environment. Tradershub wants to build the best crypto trading platform and one stop tool in the crypto world.

Problems encountered

However, since the evolution of the crypto currency is still in an emergency, and therefore there is no appropriate regulation, it becomes vulnerable to various forms of cheat manipulation. There is also a problem of deep market fragmentation resulting in inefficiencies in operating costs and costs. Therefore, for efficient trading in the crypto market, traders must have access to quality information and other essential tools.

Solutions gained

Tradershub is a platform that handles these troubleshooting and helps crypto traders get the most out of their investments without loss.https: // Tradershub came out to address security vulnerability issues and lack of transparency that gradually undermined the crypto currency market, using the best trading solutions.

Tradershub aims to address security concerns, complexity and lack of transparency by consolidating the best trading solutions and eliminating the existing friction points faced daily for trying to enter the cryptographic market.
Tradeshub will be implemented as an ERC20 compatible token on the Ethereal.Ethereum blockchain is the optimal choice for this project because of its adoption and broad industry standards for issuing specialized digital assets. Compatibility with the ERC20 standard leverages existing infrastructure benefits from the Ethereal ecosystem.

Mission of Tradershub

  1. To build an advanced trading platform, on a basis similar to that used by professional traders in traditional markets, and adapted to the crypto economy.
  2. Be a go-to platform for trading cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology.
  3. Become the most cost-effective and easy-to-use platform to facilitate professional trading of crypto traders and investors as well as new entrants.
  4. To accelerate mass adoption and increase trust in cryptocurrency trade.
  5. Build a market for traders with a focus on social trading and content creation.
  6. Tradeshub will be implemented as an ERC20 compatible token on the Ethereal block.
  7. Etereum is the optimal choice for this project because of its adoption and broad industry standards
  8. to publish special digital assets. Compatibility with the use of the ERC20 standard
  9. Excellence of existing infrastructure from the Ethereal ecosystem.


Tradershub runs the ICO campaign. A maximum of 83,385,000 Traderhub tokens will be generated, of which 60.00% will be reserved for crowdsale: 22,896,000 for Presale, and 27,135,000 for ICO. Once the hard cap target is reached, the THT smart contract will stop accepting commitments.

Detailed tokens

Token Symbol ENT
  ICO Softcap 3000 ETH
  ICO Hardcap 12000 ETH
  Maximum amount of ENT issued to crowdsales 50,031,000
  The maximum amount of ENT is 83.385.000

For more details you can visit Tradershub official page:


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