DECOIN - a Decentralized Blockchain-Based Exchange & Trading Platform with Redistributed Profits to Coin holders.
About Decoin Platform Decoin is the first exchange platform on the world which redistributes its profit to DECOIN holders. According to the statistics on, nowaday there are 215 cryptocurrency exchanges. This exchanges earn huge profits from its users by commission and trading fees. As Binance, biggest exchange now, has revenue of $1,350,000 each day (March’s statistic)with its fees of 0.075%. Following exchanges also have big revenues. But none of them redistributes its profit to coin holders, in any way. Born to change this situation and give a fair chance for cryptocurrency traders. Decoin aims to become a Decentralized coin and Trading Platform Exchange which redistributes its profits to coin holders. Why Decoin? Accessibility We are developing a highly scalable, secure, and commercial blockchain architecture Income Trading and Profit Sharing. Whether the market is up or down - YOU as DECOIN holders get from transaction costs and daily volumes accumulate o...